Are the bags authentic?
Every product that is sold through J-Ports goes through an authentication process by a certified authenticator. All the products we carry are 100% guaranteed authentic, with a return guarantee.
Where are you located?
The J-Ports headquarters is in Osaka, Japan. All of our items are shipped from our headquarters.
What payment methods do you accept?
At the moment we only accept Paypal as it provides additional security for both us and you.
How long will my order take to arrive?
Regular shipping will take 5-12 days to arrive almost anywhere in the world, and express shipping will take 3-5 days.
Do you have XYZ in stock?
You can ask a seller if they have a certain item in stock, but usually the bags revolve pretty quickly so it’s unlikely that a popular bag remains in stock for long.
Do you have a return policy?
Yes, please see here for our comprehensive return policy. Generally we accept returns and offer full refunds in an item had an undisclosed flaw or proven to be a counterfeit.
Do you do payment plans?
Yes. We can discuss payment plans on items over $600, with a non-refundable 10% down payment and a 4% additional surcharge.